It's time to get ready for Martin Luther King Jr. Day!
Are your lesson plans ready?
I have some amazing resources to share with you that will help you plan.
1) "I Have a Dream" Emergent Reader
2) MLK 3 pieces puzzles in Black/White & Color
(Use them for fast finishers, to send home for fun, or have students paste them together on a writing prompt!)
3) I Have a Dream Color-by-Number
4) I Have a Dream Writing Prompt
5) All About Dr. King Graphic Organizer
6) I Have a Dream Cloud Cut-Out (1-2 sentence writing prompt)
7) All About Dr. King Facts Organizer
8) Pocket Chart Pieces
9) Full Sized Vocabulary Classroom Posters
Another fun, quick, and easy resource is this MLK Jr Flip Book.

The MLK Jr Flip Book has two character pictures to choose from. Let your students choose which one they prefer to use!

Either one they choose will look great along the side of their flip book!
The first tab has students writing down some basic facts All About MLK Jr.
We all have dreams! Have your students think about what one of their biggest dreams is and write it down.
Do you ever wish you could travel back in time and talk to this famous leader? What would you say? The next page has students practicing letter writing.
Next, have some fun seeing what words you can make out of the name "Martin."

Finally, spend some time thinking about MLK Jr and write down 5 words that describe him.
Glue all of the tabs at the top of each page together. Then pick which MLK Jr character you want to glue to the side.

Get the MLK Jr Flip Book HERE!

Here is a great video about MLK's life that you can show your littles.

The MLK Jr Flip Book has two character pictures to choose from. Let your students choose which one they prefer to use!

Either one they choose will look great along the side of their flip book!
The first tab has students writing down some basic facts All About MLK Jr.
We all have dreams! Have your students think about what one of their biggest dreams is and write it down.
Do you ever wish you could travel back in time and talk to this famous leader? What would you say? The next page has students practicing letter writing.
Next, have some fun seeing what words you can make out of the name "Martin."
Then bust out your artistic skills and illustrate a picture of MLK Jr giving one of his speeches.

Finally, spend some time thinking about MLK Jr and write down 5 words that describe him.
Glue all of the tabs at the top of each page together. Then pick which MLK Jr character you want to glue to the side.

Get the MLK Jr Flip Book HERE!

Here is a great video about MLK's life that you can show your littles.
We also talk about respect during our MLK unit.
We learn and sing this RESPECT rap:
Thanks for letting me share these activities with you! I hope your littles love and enjoy them. I also hope they make your teacher life & prep just a tad bit easier!
-Til next time
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