The Barefoot Teacher: fall

Showing posts with label fall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fall. Show all posts
Count & color leaves with a fun emergent reader that will enhance the other fall lessons, activities, and crafts you have planned for your kids. A great way to tie in math and color words practice. Plus, get a FREE download!
Fall came and went quickly for us. We actually had a lot of snow on Halloween this year! Bleh! Before the leaves get crunchy and crumbled, I wanted to show you an awesome fall counting reinforcement that I snuck into an emergent reader, a few other fall activities, and then I have a FREE DOWNLOAD for you to use with your kiddos!

Fall is a perfect unit for working on counting and color words. Students love collecting and looking at the beautiful leaves that fall from the trees.

Here's a full picture of the cover of the reader:

There are actually two versions you can choose from. One has a blank for students to count and write in the number of leaves on each page. The other doesn't and just includes the number word. Both include numbers 1-10.

You can get this Fall Counting Leaves Emergent Reader HERE.

If your kiddos are needing to simply just work on color words, there is a very similar emergent reader that focuses on that!

Each page simply introduces (or reviews) a new color word. They follow this format (see the next pic), and the last page has many leaves that they can choose to color whatever they would like. It's a great way to casually tie color words into your fall unit. It's also a great way to informally assess which color words your kiddos need to keep working on!

Make sure to have a few extra copies handy for kids who miscolor and need a new copy!
You can get this Fall Coloring Leaves Emergent Reader HERE.

Both of these readers, plus even more readers and other ELA and Math activities centered around Fall, are included in a Fall Activities Bundle.

This bundle includes yet another emergent reader that follows a simple "I can see..." format and introduces or reviews fall vocabulary.

Vocabulary posters are included to hang around your room for decor and most importantly, for use as a reference and also for use with a write-the-room activity.

Large, colorful pocket chart pieces are included as well!

One last thing...

I have a FREE DOWNLOAD for you to use with your kiddos.
Get these Fall 3-Pieces Puzzles to use with your fall unit!

They include a black/white version too. A perfect filler for fast finishers who finish their center work and want something more to work on! Have them color it, cut it out, and give it to a friend to put back together.

Don't forget to PIN this post so that you can remember these ideas for when you need them!

Count & color leaves with a fun emergent reader that will enhance the other fall lessons, activities, and crafts you have planned for your kids. A great way to tie in math and color words practice. Plus, get a FREE download!

Thanks for letting me share these activities with you! I hope your littles love and enjoy them. I also hope they make your teacher life & prep just a tad bit easier!

-Til next time

These Veterans Day resources and activities are a perfect addition to go along with the other ideas, crafts, and games you have planned for your Preschool, Kindergarten, or First Grade kids. Build a differentiated reader, a FREE printable, book suggestions, math, literacy, and more!
Veterans Day is approaching quickly! How can it be November already? 
We've had warmer than normal weather here in Illinois, making me just a bit in denial about what month it actually is! 
Anyway, I wanted to share some resources and activities that you can do with your littles in the upcoming week in celebration of all Veterans who have and do serve our country.

A great way to introduce Veterans Day to your kids is with this short six-minute video of Michelle Obama & The Penguins of Madagascar: 

Continue to reinforce what Veterans Day means with a Build-Your-Own Veterans Day Emergent Reader that will allow you to pick and choose which pages you include for your students. 

There are 21 pages to choose from. Here are what some of them look like:

Have your students work on the words "We are..." or "I remember" or mix each page up and alternate!

Here are some other Veterans Day themed picture books that you can use as read alouds. Hero Mom & Hero Dad are my personal favorites, along with The Poppy Lady. But they are all very good.
If you love FREE resources, you can print out my Veterans Day Roll-Add-Color sheets. There are three available. Simply give your students a pair of dice. Have them roll the dice, add the numbers together, and color the area in the picture that has the answer. 

I've also marked down my Veterans Day BUNDLE of Activities, which includes two different emergent readers, Veterans Day mazes, Posters & Pocket Chart Pieces, Color-By activity sheets, ABC Order Practice, & more! 
These Veterans Day resources and activities are a perfect addition to go along with the other ideas, crafts, and games you have planned for your Preschool, Kindergarten, or First Grade kids. Build a differentiated reader, a FREE printable, book suggestions, math, literacy, and more! #veteransday #holidays #freeprintable #freebie #kindergarten #math #literacy

The ABC Order Activity Sheets that are included in the bundle are kept very simple, with none of the words repeating the first letter. I highly recommend this activity for your more advanced students or as a fast finisher activity. 
 Students can also get some number practice in with a Counting Poppies Math Emergent Reader. There are two versions of this math reader so that you can choose which better meets the needs of your kiddos! 

 I found some adorable craft ideas on Pinterest that your littles can create. 
These Paper Poppies are easy to make and serve well as a visual reminder of why we celebrate.

 Another one I really liked is a little bit messy, but the kids will remember it forever...hand-shaped flags! This is a good one to bring parents in to help with. You can even make it into a card to give to a Veteran.
A BIG Thank You to all Veterans out there. We look forward to celebrating you on November 11th! 
Thanks for letting me share these activities with you. I hope your littles love and enjoy them. I also hope they make your teacher life & prep just a tad bit easier!

These Veterans Day resources and activities are a perfect addition to go along with the other ideas, crafts, and games you have planned for your Preschool, Kindergarten, or First Grade kids. Build a differentiated reader, a FREE printable, book suggestions, math, literacy, and more!

Til next time,

With Halloween right around the corner, now is a perfect time for your Preschool, Kindergarten, or First grade kids to be learning about nocturnal animals! If you're looking for fall activities for kids, these Bats, Owls, & Spiders differentiated readers are a perfect additional to the other activities, crafts, and ideas you have planned for your class this fall. Help your students develop confidence in their reading abilities while learning about bats at the same time. In addition, the last page of each reader incorporates writing practice as students recall facts that they learned in the reader.

With fall upon us and Halloween right around the corner, I'd like to show you some differentiated 'I Am a Bat' emergent readers. And then I have a FREE DOWNLOAD you can try out if you haven't already! 
**This post may contain affiliate links.**

While you really can use these readers at any time of year, I tend to do them around our Halloween and Nocturnal Animals units. I have many animal readers in this series, but I'm only going to highlight the bat readers today! 
With Halloween right around the corner, now is a perfect time for your Preschool, Kindergarten, or First grade kids to be learning about nocturnal animals! If you're looking for fall activities for kids, these Bats, Owls, & Spiders differentiated readers are a perfect additional to the other activities, crafts, and ideas you have planned for your class this fall. Help your students develop confidence in their reading abilities while learning about bats at the same time. In addition, the last page of each reader incorporates writing practice as students recall facts that they learned in the reader.

So this is what the cover looks like. It's the same for all three levels of the reader. 
With Halloween right around the corner, now is a perfect time for your Preschool, Kindergarten, or First grade kids to be learning about nocturnal animals! If you're looking for fall activities for kids, these Bats, Owls, & Spiders differentiated readers are a perfect additional to the other activities, crafts, and ideas you have planned for your class this fall. Help your students develop confidence in their reading abilities while learning about bats at the same time. In addition, the last page of each reader incorporates writing practice as students recall facts that they learned in the reader.

Here's what it looks like full size. Each page of the book comes two-to-a-page so that you can easily print the books using the collate and staple options on your copy machine. Then use a paper cutter to quickly slice between the books and just like magic, they're already assembled for you!
With Halloween right around the corner, now is a perfect time for your Preschool, Kindergarten, or First grade kids to be learning about nocturnal animals! If you're looking for fall activities for kids, these Bats, Owls, & Spiders differentiated readers are a perfect additional to the other activities, crafts, and ideas you have planned for your class this fall. Help your students develop confidence in their reading abilities while learning about bats at the same time. In addition, the last page of each reader incorporates writing practice as students recall facts that they learned in the reader.

Meet your students right where they're at with three differentiated levels to choose from. Your kiddos can highlight any sight words, chunks, or blends that you are currently working on.

Learn some unique facts about bats that many people don't know!

Learn what they eat and how they sleep.

The last page is one of my favorites. It's included in all of the readers of this series. Students write down a list of the favorite things they learned while reading the book! It's a great way to incorporate writing practice. This picture is from a set of rabbit readers, and I just happened to have it handy to show you. This is how the bat books end as well.

Let me show you two ways you can get this bats reader set.

You can get this differentiated reader by itself here:

 Or you can get it in a bundle with other readers:
With Halloween right around the corner, now is a perfect time for your Preschool, Kindergarten, or First grade kids to be learning about nocturnal animals! If you're looking for fall activities for kids, these Bats, Owls, & Spiders differentiated readers are a perfect additional to the other activities, crafts, and ideas you have planned for your class this fall. Help your students develop confidence in their reading abilities while learning about bats at the same time. In addition, the last page of each reader incorporates writing practice as students recall facts that they learned in the reader.

Six readers, all about nocturnal animals, are included in this bundle.

Remember reading that book when you were a kid, about the old lady who swallowed a fly? Well, guess what? She swallows a lot more things now, including bats! My students LOVE when I pull this book out. I made some activities and centers to go along with this book.

 Now, let me show you a FREE DOWNLOAD you can get right now that will give you an opportunity to try those differentiated readers out!

This is the I Am an Alligator set. 
It's set up exactly like the bat readers, only your students will be learning about alligators instead! Oh my! 
Try this series FREE right here:

Don't forget to leave a rating. I enjoy reading your feedback and hearing what you think!

-Til next time
With Halloween right around the corner, now is a perfect time for your Preschool, Kindergarten, or First grade kids to be learning about nocturnal animals! If you're looking for fall activities for kids, these Bats, Owls, & Spiders differentiated readers are a perfect additional to the other activities, crafts, and ideas you have planned for your class this fall. Help your students develop confidence in their reading abilities while learning about bats at the same time. In addition, the last page of each reader incorporates writing practice as students recall facts that they learned in the reader.

These FREE non-fiction, differentiated readers will go right along with the other activities, crafts, and ideas you have planned for your class this spring. Help your Kindergarten or First Grade students develop confidence in their reading abilities while learning about alligators at the same time. In addition, the last page of each reader incorporates writing practice as students recall facts that they learned in the reader.

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