🎵 Rise and Shine and Give God the Glory, Glory...🎵
Anybody else old enough to remember the "Arky Arky" song?! Don't know what I'm talking about? Then listen at your own risk! (And use this video with your kids!)
Alright, here's what I've got for ya to help teach your littles about God's Promises and the story of Noah's Ark!
All of the Noah's Ark sheets, games, and crafts that I'm sharing from my Bible curriculum include activities that can be done with cheap craft or household supplies that can be found around your home, classroom, or at your local dollar store.
-Finger Painting Rainbow
All you need is cotton balls, crayons, glue, and paint or stamp pads in the colors of the rainbow! How easy is that?!
-Paper Plate & Fruit Loops Ark Activity
You'll need Fruit Loops (Get the generic box - you'll save money!), brown paper plates (or white paper plates and brown crayons, markers, or paint), printouts, and glue.
There are a few different ways you can do this activity. If you are looking to save classroom time, then purchase brown paper plates or paint them yourself prior to class. Otherwise, your kiddos can paint or color the plates themselves. You may also trace out the top of the ark prior to class.
While the plates are drying, have students sort Fruit Loops by color.
Only glue the bottom and side edges of the paper plate onto the paper so that you can put things into the ark! Cut out Noah and pairs of animals to put into the ark. This is a great time to talk about the word "pairs" or to practice counting by twos!
-Noah's Ark Emergent Reader
This emergent reader actually comes in THREE versions! 🤯
The first version tells the story of Noah's Ark with simple, easy to read sentences.
The second version is set up with repetitive "I see..." sentences. (I see Noah. I see the animals. I see the rain...and so on.)
The second version includes a variety of sight-word sentences including, "This is the rain that came down." and "These are the animals that came to the ark."
You can get all three of those versions in one simple download: Noah's Ark Emergent Reader
-Find the Animals Game
For this game, you'll need printouts of the ark and animals cards seen below. They are included in the Noah's Ark Bible Lesson curriculum for Toddlers, PreK, or Kinders.
You'll cut the ark door on the dotted lines so that it becomes a flap that can open.
The directions in the lesson will give you ideas on how to modify the game for various age levels, but essentially, you'll hide one of every animals and then pass out each animal's match to your students. When they find the match, they bring both of them and put them in Noah's ark!
All of these activities can be found in units or individual lesson plans that are divided into three ages: Toddler, PreK, or Kinder.
You can also get the Noah's Ark lesson plans in a larger unit called: God's Promises!
All units and lessons in the curriculum are also divided into three ages: Toddler, PreK, or Kinder.
If you're not sure which to pick, go with PreK...you can simplify it for younger kids and spruce it up for slightly older ones. The difference between the levels can be found at this Sneak Peek.
The unit that contains the Noah's Ark lesson plans is broken down into five lessons that share the big truth of: God Keeps His Promises!
Thanks for letting me share these activities with you! I hope your littles love and enjoy them. I also hope they make your teacher life & prep just a tad bit easier!
-Til next time
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