It's time to get ready for Martin Luther King Jr. Day! 
Are your lesson plans ready?
I have some amazing resources to share with you that will help you plan.

The first set of activities is from this:
Martin Luther King Jr. Pack for Kinders

This pack includes 9 different types of resources for you to use on MLK Jr. Day:
1) "I Have a Dream" Emergent Reader
2) MLK 3 pieces puzzles in Black/White & Color
(Use them for fast finishers, to send home for fun, or have students paste them together on a writing prompt!)
3) I Have a Dream Color-by-Number
4) I Have a Dream Writing Prompt
5) All About Dr. King Graphic Organizer
6) I Have a Dream Cloud Cut-Out (1-2 sentence writing prompt)
7) All About Dr. King Facts Organizer
8) Pocket Chart Pieces
9) Full Sized Vocabulary Classroom Posters

Another fun, quick, and easy resource is this MLK Jr Flip Book.

The MLK Jr Flip Book has two character pictures to choose from. Let your students choose which one they prefer to use!

Either one they choose will look great along the side of their flip book!

The first tab has students writing down some basic facts All About MLK Jr.

We all have dreams! Have your students think about what one of their biggest dreams is and write it down.

Do you ever wish you could travel back in time and talk to this famous leader? What would you say? The next page has students practicing letter writing.

Next, have some fun seeing what words you can make out of the name "Martin."

Then bust out your artistic skills and illustrate a picture of MLK Jr giving one of his speeches.

Finally, spend some time thinking about MLK Jr and write down 5 words that describe him.

Glue all of the tabs at the top of each page together. Then pick which MLK Jr character you want to glue to the side.

Get the MLK Jr Flip Book HERE!

Here is a great video about MLK's life that you can show your littles.

We also talk about respect during our MLK unit. 
We learn and sing this RESPECT rap:

Don't forget to PIN this post so that you can remember these activities for future planning!


Thanks for letting me share these activities with you! I hope your littles love and enjoy them. I also hope they make your teacher life & prep just a tad bit easier!

-Til next time
These New Year's activities for kids are a great way to help students make resolutions and think about their goals for the new year. These activities are quick and easy - a perfect addition to the other lessons and crafts you have planned for your Kindergarten or First grade students!
Another New Year is here - bringing along more fresh starts and more opportunities to make New Year's resolutions! 

If you're like me, you find yourself making resolutions every year to become more prepared, organized, and ahead in your lesson planning. This year, I'm helping my kiddos think about goals and resolutions they want to make for the new year.

We're going to do that with this simple and easy to make New Years Flip Book.
Students start out choosing a boy or girl character they'd like to represent them. There are 10 to pick from...5 boys and 5 girls. 
Each character has a place for your student to write their name so that they can proudly own their goals and resolutions!
The first resolution page encourages students to consider what they will eat in the new year. This is a great time to have discussions on healthy eating. My daughter made the sample below and decided she wants to eat more healthy grapes this year! 
The next resolution page has students considering what books they would like to read. They might have a specific book they want to read...or maybe they have a certain number of books they'd like to read!
Next, what are your kiddos going to play this year? Maybe they are going to try to play something new, like a new sport or activity. Or maybe they want to try to play with something they haven't played with in a long time. 
The next resolution page is my favorite! Who will your student help this year and how will they help that person? 
Where will your kiddos visit this year? Somewhere they've never been? Or maybe a favorite location? It might be a museum, a park, or even grandma's house! 
Finally, have your students make a short and quick reference list of 5 goals they have for the new year!
You can get the New Year's Flip Book HERE
You can get the New Year's Flip Book HERE

Another way to incorporate New Year's Resolutions is with an emergent reader that ties in both reading and writing practice! 

The emergent reader is 6 pages long. It includes simple sentences that were made with Kindergarten and First grade in mind. 

I tried to include as many high frequency words as I could into each page. 

Practice counting to ten on the fourth page! And check out what midnight looks like on a clock on page five! 

The last page is my favorite... It sneaks some writing practice into the reading activity! Students write three short and simple resolutions. 

This emergent reader is included with many other New Year's activities in a pack. 
You can get that pack of New Year's Activities HERE
You can get these New Year's Activities HERE

I love that some of my kiddos are wanting to make reading more as one of their resolutions. I found these fun New Year's bookmarks from Let's Learn S'more that are FREE on Pinterest:
This noise maker is always a big hit too...even older kids LOVE making noise!
One last idea...
This New Year's fireworks paint activity is always a simple but fun one!
Don't forget to PIN this post so that you can remember these activities for future planning!
These New Year's activities for kids are a great way to help students make resolutions and think about their goals for the new year. These activities are quick and easy - a perfect addition to the other lessons and crafts you have planned for your Kindergarten or First grade students!

These New Year's activities for kids are a great way to help students make resolutions and think about their goals for the new year. These activities are quick and easy - a perfect addition to the other lessons and crafts you have planned for your Kindergarten or First grade students!

Thanks for letting me share these activities with you! I hope your littles love and enjoy them. I also hope they make your teacher life & prep just a tad bit easier!

-Til next time

Not too long ago, I started a Bible emergent readers series. I was wanting a variety of Old and New Testament stories that could be simplified for a Kindergarten student to be able to read and understand. 

Much prayer was spent before making each Bible reader. My goal was to retell the Bible stories in a way that helps emerging readers understand God's Word while also meeting them where they're at and building their reading skills. My prayer was that God would help me simplify each story for these younger loves, without taking away from it. 

The Lost Coin is one of the parable stories that I created! I'm super excited to share it with you. Here is a pic of the cover of this emergent reader. I asked my 7th grade daughter to color sample pages of the book for me to post. She kept writing and re-writing my name as the 'Reader' trying to make it look like an adult had written it, ha! 
I have created many Bible emergent readers that tell the story of various parables Jesus told. The ones that tell a parables all start out with "Jesus told some people a story." 
Each page crams as many sight words as possible into the sentences, while also trying to keep them as short and simple as possible. Students are also introduced to quotation marks. Since it's Jesus telling the story, the kids only have to focus on one character voice when reading them! 
This next page throws a little sneaky counting and number practice in! Shhh...don't tell!

Large, simple pictures help keep a little reader's focus on the text as they read. 

This particular emergent reader has 11 pages to it. You can shorten it by easily omitting 3-4 of the pages if you feel it is too long for your specific child's needs.
You could even go as far as turning this book into a mini play activity by having students pair up and take turns being the Narrater while the other acts out the story as it's read.
It's not always easy to choose what sentence go into my Bible readers. Bible stories, and even just the words/names alone, can sometimes be difficult to put into a book for new readers. As you read, and use these books with your students, if you come across wording or parts of the story that you feel might need a little more attention, please know that I would love for you to reach out and let me know your thoughts! 
Have students keep these books in their book boxes at school or send them home and encourage students to read the story to their parents!
I hope your students love this emergent reader as they learn and grow in God's word!
Get The Lost Coin Parable Emergent Reader HERE!
The Lost Coin is also available in a bundle with my other Bible based readers in this:
Bible Emergent Readers Bundle
Get this Bible Emergent Readers Bundle HERE!
Don't forget to PIN this post so that you can remember these readers for future planning!

Learn about the parable of The Lost Coin with this Bible faith based emergent reader. Created with preschool, Kindergarten, and First grade in mind, it is packed with sight words and simple sentences so kids can learn about the Bible on their own level! This reader is a perfect addition to go with the other activities and crafts you have planned for your lesson on Jesus.

Thanks for letting me share these activities with you! I hope your littles love and enjoy them. I also hope they make your teacher life & prep just a tad bit easier!

-Til next time
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